Melissa RosadoLadies Styling
Level: Int-Adv Style: NY Content: Body Isolation, styling
and shines General Comment:This is a very complete DVD for a female dancer who wants to develop an exercise routine to practise at home. It starts with a number of stretching and isolation exercises, covering neck, shoulders, torso and hips. It then focuses on individual parts of the body to develop elegance and style: hands, fingers and arms are addressed with the special details. These elements are then put together into a number of shines, some of which are fairly popular, which offer the opportunity to show how body rolls, hip movements, head flicks and arm decorations can help to make a dull shine come alive. This styling is developed with mambo dancers in mind: it is on2 with gorgeous music in the background, but if you dance on1 you should be able to work out the main tips anyway. Reviewed by Fabio - Good