FabSalseroRueda de Casino vol 1Level: Beg-Int Style: Cuban Content: Casino Rueda Patterns General Comment: This DVD contains all you need to know in order to build a rueda de casino team from scratch or at least from a group of dancers who know how to dance basic steps in Cuban style salsa. The first session shows the 'basic rules' that is the mechanics of the rueda, how the dances relate to the circle, how the dancers position themselves in relation to other dancers, how the rotation of the partners happens, and so on. Then you are taught a set of rueda moves in increasing order of difficulty, 17 all together divided into 3 sessions. Rueda moves are very well standardised since they need to be executed by memory from the call of the leader, so the material contained in this DVD is the basics which any rueda group needs to learn, anywhere in the world. The teaching is done with a camera positioned high above the team, so you have a front view which allows to see the entire circle, which is very useful. All moves are first demonstrated by Fabrizio with partner and then executed by 3 couples to counting and then to music. The instruction is clear and easy to follow. A good tool to get into rueda dancing. Reviewed by: Fabio from SalsaIsGood Ok